Join our group

For Students

The Structural Bioinformatics research group is currently looking for a new members. We welcome trainees, as well as students pursuing bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees, and postdoctoral fellows.


Our team will provide you with a lot of exciting information about the currently popular research field of Structural Bioinformatics. You will actively participate in cutting-edge research projects and have the opportunity to become involved in international grant-funded research.


You will learn how to work with modern visualization tools (Mol*, OverProt, 2DProts), annotation tools (SecStrAnnotator), validation tools (ValidatorDB, MotiveValidator, ValTrendsDB), tools to detect tunnels in proteins (MOLEonline, ChannelsDB 2.0), or tools to calculate partial atomic charges (αCharges, Atomic Charge Calculator II). You can also contribute to the further development of some of these tools.


Last but not least, you will become part of an enthusiastic research team at Masaryk University.




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